Ask AI

Get instant help and answers with the Growee Assistant. It accesses relevant data to provide insights and respond to questions about your company or team members.

- Make the most of it

For more accurate results, we recommend providing a general company context.

Create a job posting

Create a job posting

Use AskAI and craft the job posting that would attract the best candidates for your company.

Get to know your team

Get to know your team

Learn more about your team members, their roles, hobbies and more.

Find leaves easier

Find leaves easier

Get a birds-eye-view of your team's leaves.

Brainstorm ideas

Brainstorm ideas

Get creative and brainstorm ideas! Grow and improve.

Get advice

Get advice

Ask for ideas on how to handle a difficult situation.

Make it short

Make it short

Summarize a long text into a few sentences

call to action

Are you ready for a new experience?

You can try Growee for free for up to 3 employees, with no obligation or payment.

Try Growee today

Frequently asked questions

    • Are the AskAi chats private?

      Yes, everything you share or ask remains private to your chat and will not be visible to other members.

    • Does Growee share data with third-party systems?

      No, we don’t persist data on third-party systems.

    • How does Growee ensure data security and control when providing context to the AI?

      Before giving context/information to the AI, we identify the minimum amount of data required to provide relevant context. We control and clean up the data sent to the AI, restricting by role and permissions what and how much context is given.